Ask Shawn for October 20, 2023

Ask Shawn is a weekly, tarot-driven advice column written by Shawn Adair. If you’d like to ask Shawn a question, or get his advice about a situation, please get in touch here. He might even publish your letter and his advice in a future column.

Weekend Outlook

Welcome dear viewers, this is the weekend outlook for October 20, 21, and 22.

The Seven of Coins, the Hermit, the Ace of Coins (reversed).

Friday October 20, (Seven of Coins): A pretty decent card, this is the time to collect what is owed to you. What is owed are from your own good works, allowing you to achieve some level of comfort today. Favors for friends may pay off today, and you may also get some good news to cheer you up.

Saturday October 21, (The Hermit): This card says to take some time for yourself today, and do some self reflection, possibly in a place of isolation to really get to know yourself. Remember afterwards to return to the world, and its natural cycle.

Sunday October 22, (The Ace of Coins, reversed): Usually a card of prosperity and growth throughout different regions of your life, business, monetary, job, etc. The reversed is an indication to use caution from what you have gained, you could risk losing it all.

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